Ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe maka ịdị elu dị ọnụ ala ọnụ ahịa ngwa ngwa nnyefe ziri ezi ebu soplaya omenala rọba ebu na Plastic injection Mold

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

OEM/ODM:Nhazi ahaziri dịka eserese gị ma ọ bụ ihe nlele.

Ngwa plastik:PC/ABS, ABS, PC, PVC, PA66, POM ma ọ bụ ihe ị chọrọ.

Ngwucha elu: Texture finish, Polishing finish, Glossy finish, Painting, silk printing, etc

izi ezi: +/- 0.01MM

Oge ebu: 4 izu maka ebu data ịbịaru, Ọdịdị na aka samples.

Oge mmepụta: 4 izu.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe

Akpụkpọ anụ

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Ọ bụ n'ezie ụzọ dị mma isi melite ngwa ahịa na ịrụkwa ọrụ anyị.Our mission should be to create imaginative products to prospects with a excellent knowledge for factory Outlets for High Quality Cheap Price Fast Delivery Precision Molds Supplier Custom Plastic Mold and Plastic Injection Mold, For more queries or should you might have any question regarding our goods, make jide n'aka na ị gaghị egbu oge ịkpọ anyị.
Ọ bụ n'ezie ụzọ dị mma isi melite ngwa ahịa na ịrụkwa ọrụ anyị.Ebumnuche anyị kwesịrị ịbụ imepụta ngwaahịa na-eche n'echiche na atụmanya nwere ezigbo ihe ọmụma makaAkpụkpọ anụ China injection na Plastic Mold, Anyị nwere ngwọta kachasị mma na ndị ọkachamara ahịa na ndị ọrụ nkà na ụzụ. Site na mmepe nke ụlọ ọrụ anyị, anyị enwewo ike ịnye ndị ahịa ngwaahịa kachasị mma, nkwado teknụzụ dị mma, ọrụ zuru oke mgbe-ahịa.

Ndị gara aga Ebu eme na Free ngwaahịa imewe

Ndị na-ewu ewu na-akpụzi Akpụkpọ Plastic Parts injection Mold-02 (1)
Ndị na-ewu ewu na-akpụzi Akpụkpọ Plastic Parts injection Mold-02 (2)
Ndị na-ewu ewu Mold Maker Plastic Parts injection Mold-02 (3)
Ndị na-ewu ewu Mold Maker Plastic Parts Injection Mold-02

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Ebe Mmalite China
Aha ika HSLD/ ahaziri
Ụdị nhazi Fans Plastic injection Mold
Akụrụngwa CNC, EDM Mbipu Machine, Plastic Machinery, wdg
Ngwaahịa ihe Steel: AP20/718/738/NAK80/S136
Ndụ ebu 300000 ~ 500000 gbaa
Onye na-agba ọsọ Onye na-agba ọsọ na-ekpo ọkụ ma ọ bụ onye na-agba oyi
Ụdị ọnụ ụzọ ámá Ebe Edge/Pin/Sub/Ọnụ ụzọ ámá
Ọgwụgwọ elu Matte, Nchacha, enyo na-egbu maramara, udidi, eserese, wdg.
Ọghe Akpụkpọ Otu oghere ma ọ bụ ọtụtụ oghere
Ndidi 0.01mm - 0.02mm
Igwe ntụtụ 80T-1200T
Ndidi ± 0.01mm
Nlereanya efu dị
Uru otu nkwụsị ngwọta / free imewe
Mpaghara ngwa Ngwaahịa eletrọnịkị, ngwaahịa mma, ngwaahịa ahụike, ngwaahịa eji ụlọ, ngwaahịa akpaaka, wdg

Nkọwa ụlọ ọrụ

Ụlọ ọrụ (1)
Ụlọ ọrụ (3)
Ụlọ ọrụ (2)

Akpụkpọ anụ ndị ọzọ

Ndị na-ewu ewu na-emepụta ihe na-eme plastik akụkụ ịgbanye Mold05


Obere ihe eji arụ ụlọ na-emepụta akụkụ plastik ịgbanye Mold02 (4)

Ọrụ nkwakọ ngwaahịa pụrụ iche maka gị: Akpa osisi nwere ihe nkiri

1. Iji hụ na nchekwa nke ngwongwo gị nke ọma, ọkachamara.

2. Ọ dị mma na gburugburu ebe obibi, a ga-enye ọrụ nkwakọ ngwaahịa dị mma na nke ọma.

Ndị na-ewu ewu na-akpụzi Mpekere Plastic Parts injection Mold05 (2)


1. Ị na-ere akụkụ mapụtara maka ịkpụ nkedo anwụ?

HSLD: Ee, a na-ejikarị akụkụ ahụ mapụtara maka ịkpụ nkedo anwụ anwụ anyị nwere ntinye ebu, etiti ebu, isi windo, isi ihe na-akpụ akpụ, isi nke nozulu.Ị nwere ike ịlele ma gwa ihe akụkụ mapụtara ị chọrọ.

2. Kedu ihe eji eme ihe ebu gị?

HSLD: Ihe ntinye ebu anyị bụ nke DAC.

3. Kedu ihe bụ isi gị na-akpụ akpụ mere?

HSLD: Isi ihe na-akpụ akpụ anyị bụ FDAC.

4. Kedu ihe nnabata nke cores gị na-akpụ akpụ?

HSLD: Nkwenye nha nha nke isi ihe ọ bụla bụ 0.02mm yana nnabata akụkụ ihe osise bụ 0.02mm, ka anyị wee hụ na nha ngwaahịa enweghị ngbanwe nha ọ bụla.

Ndị na-ewu ewu Mold Maker Plastic Parts Injection Mold-03

5. Enwere ike ịmepụta naanị sample?


6. Kedu ihe ziri ezi nke ngwaahịa ndị a na-edozi site na eserese?

HSLD: Ngwá ọrụ dị iche iche nwere izi ezi dị iche iche, n'ozuzu n'etiti 0.01-0.02mmỌ bụ n'ezie ụzọ dị mma isi melite ngwa ahịa na ịrụzi.Our mission should be to create imaginative products to prospects with a excellent knowledge for factory Outlets for High Quality Cheap Price Fast Delivery Precision Molds Supplier Custom Plastic Mold and Plastic Injection Mold, For more queries or should you might have any question regarding our goods, make jide n'aka na ị gaghị egbu oge ịkpọ anyị.
ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe makaAkpụkpọ anụ China injection na Plastic Mold, Anyị nwere ngwọta kachasị mma na ndị ọkachamara ahịa na ndị ọrụ nkà na ụzụ. Site na mmepe nke ụlọ ọrụ anyị, anyị enwewo ike ịnye ndị ahịa ngwaahịa kachasị mma, nkwado teknụzụ dị mma, ọrụ zuru oke mgbe-ahịa.

  • Nke gara aga:
  • Osote:

  • Ụlọ ọrụ (1) Ụlọ ọrụ (2) Ụlọ ọrụ (3)

    Ndị na-ewu ewu na-emepụta ihe na-emepụta plastik akụkụ injection Mold-01